(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Gaucelm De Villaret:
Tight camera angles that overstay? No no. Slow constant movement? No no. Give it more energy, show more.
Craig Joseph Massa:
Not a lot of lip/mouth movement going on, needs improvement there. the movements of the characters are stiff. Also, the mother's eyes don't blink at the same time? I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure humans blink both their eyes at the same time. Otherwise they look like a chameleon.
Something you could improve on is facial movement. The eyes and eyebrows don't really move. Try over-exaggerating things and then toning it down.
Marcella D.:
Needs improvement
more emotions please
Monica Stringer:
last bit of dialogue is fast so animation has to be tightened up. Also facial expressions need to be more diverse with more blinking
Ariyanto Zulkifli:
the animation si too stiff.
Animator: Himangi Sharma
Description: it's first time.. hope this is ohk for starting (detailing is remaining).
Experience: 1 year
Time taken: 2 weeks