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Ariyanto Zulkifli:
nice try.
the animation is floaty in my opinion, timing a bit off (need reference), and when the mom whisper to the kid, the scene is jumpy.
but keep polishing your fundamental of animation will help a lot. try to shoot some reference. Keep trying and practicing. :)
Marcella D.:
Facial expression need to express some emotion, and please fix the eye before you export.
Gaucelm De Villaret:
Feels a bit too stereotyped and expected...
Connor Leuck:
Your lip sync can't be seen with the hand in front of the mother's mouth.
Fernando Incetta:
Nice WIP, it is a prominsing blocking stage
Monica Stringer:
holy whiplash batman, that was a VERY fast cut to whispering in the daughters ear. Maybe add some anticipation to that so it doesn't seem out of the blue
Alex E.:
Animator: N I Naiem
Description: Mom gave her a drinks. The girl is confused is there alcohol or not.
Experience: One and half year
Time taken: About a week