Final Rating: 6.65. Finished 9 out of 310 entries.

5,898 views including the voting period.


Animator: Fraser Page

Description: Is there alcohol in this?

Experience: 1 year

Time taken: On and off over a span of 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Sabrina Winkel:

Best one I've seen!!! Love everything!!!

Steve Schwartz:

This looks great though at the end, around 218, I would have liked to see the cig arm further away from her face

Marcella D.:

I like the squash and stretch

Maryline Chemoula:

One of the best i've seen so far :)

Foster Eber:

Love the Squash and Stretch!

Gaucelm De Villaret:

Yeah, not much to write home about... not much to tell... maybe the movements feel a bit pedestrian and could use some more emphasis as her dialogue should imply...

Fernando Incetta:

Good work! Nice comedy between both of them.

Alex E.:

Awesome job mate.