(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Marcella D.:
Not bad.
Terence Staples:
Great scene, fantastic setting, great animation.
Fernando Incetta:
Good idea overall, try to rely less on the automated splines and work more on your pose-to-pose. Good luck.
Gaucelm De Villaret:
Neat animation for what you have, but was the hand puppet thing necessary? It feels a bit copping out...
Monica Stringer:
funny, and well thought out, actions and expressions can be exaggerated further though, otherwise its still entertaining :)
Animator: Carrigan Raketic
Description: Prudence wants to believe that she's just having a nice tea party with her mom and her favorite puppet Jangle... She really wants to believe it, but Jangle isn't the the most honest of puppets.
Experience: 3 Months
Time taken: 2 Weeks