Final Rating: 4.14. Finished 103 out of 310 entries.

414 views including the voting period.


Animator: Andre Nunes

Description: This is my 3rd entry in 11secondclub.
i hope u like it. :)

Experience: +- 2 years

Time taken: 9 days(3hoursperday)


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Sarah Schulze:

Nice work! Maybe you want to push more their expression on their face.

Marcella D.:

The characters feel a bit stiff, but it is not bad what I am seeing entirely.

Lechard P:

I feel this portrays the scene greatly

Ruth Agada:

Your lipsync is great.

Sabrina Winkel:

Very nice ;)

Richard Adams:

The thing that bugs most, Mom's movement needs to be sharper and more abrupt when she gasps. Mom's upper body very floaty. I do like the facial movements and lip syncing on the younger woman very much. A puzzled look would've worked better IMO.

Rebekah Ryan:

I like the little side eye the second speaker gives the camera towards the end, as it goes well with the dialogue. The pointing movement the first person makes toward their drink it a little bit slow, however it would be easily fixable. There isnt much emotion on their faces but the blinks and eye movement are well done. I'd also recommend importing a camera and animating on that instead, so the camera1 and viewport and axis information isn't on the screen. Overall, nice animation!

Fernando Incetta:

Good idea overall, try to rely less on the automated splines and work more on your pose-to-pose since it looks a little "floaty". Good luck.