(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Marcella D.:
There is an Iron Giant rig?! and the animation needs a bit more work.
Sabrina Winkel:
Hahaha this totally made my night! It's the Iron Giant and his brother! Nice job!
Gaucelm De Villaret:
Okay, so you've got Iron Giants... but apart from that, it's still kinda stiff and lacks expression apart from the token expected ones... yeah, these are robots, but come on...
Fernando Incetta:
Cool ideas for some of the poses. Needs a lot of refinement but you are on the right path
Animator: Maribel Carrillo
Description: Robots can get tipsy too!
Had to use this rig for my final animation project in school
Experience: 1 year as a student
Time taken: A week