(Commenting only available during the rating period)
lip sink off
Connor Leuck:
This scene has very nice lighting and props.
There are some really fast head shakes that are distracting.
The eyebrows on the mother need some work;They appear more angry at times than reassuring.
the mothers first poses are twinning
Marcella D.:
The animation is too stiff
Gaucelm De Villaret:
This comes off as a bit too stiff and forced for the most part... the jittering comes off as a bit creepy... however, I like the part where she waves her spoon.
Terence Staples:
Fantastic setting and scene. Nice prop use and great body movement but the lip sync needs a little touching up.
Fernando Incetta:
It's a promising blocking stage. Needs refinement but it's a good starting point
Ayan Das:
good animation
Animator: Alip Ghosh
Description: daughter asking mother
Experience: i am learning animation.8 month experience 3d.
Time taken: 12 days