Final Rating: 5.08. Finished 43 out of 310 entries.

520 views including the voting period.


Animator: Samantha Oneto

Description: For some reason once I heard this audio, I thought of a woman who lives alone giving alcohol to her cats. So I figured why not? Let's roll with it. This is my first attempt at an 11 second club piece ever, and overall I like it.

Experience: I'm a third year animation student

Time taken: About 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Hugh Langlands-Bell:

Hard to get the lip synch correct with this audio clip, but you did a really good job

Marcella D.:

not bad

Gaucelm De Villaret:

Ohh, an original idea and execution... it is almost it... it has great parts... I'd say try to extend and put more anticipation to the part where she puts the bottle on the table and scare the cat.