(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Zach Savaglio:
I would work on adding some facial expressions to the animation. Like a disgusted look for example.
Fernando Incetta:
The staging is very hard to read and the animation lacks fundamentals.
Niko Frenkenberger:
The animation is in general kinda floaty, try working your way from pose to pose to get more meaningful expressions, look at the "pose to pose" section of the 12 principles of animation or an overall blocking process ("tangled animation process" is a good video on youtube for that).
The mouth part also needs a bit of work, check out how to work with visemes, I can recommend Jason Osipas "Stop Staring" for that.
Hope this helps a bit, good luck for the future!
Christopher Wasp:
Facial expressions need improving. Arm movements are floating. These could be fixed by going back into your line graphs and making adjustments.
Animator: Paula Segura
Description: Don jugadores de poker, en la cual están hablando por llamada, su amigo lo invita a entrenar y el otro personaje se niega.
Experience: One years
Time taken: One week