(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Zach Savaglio:
You clearly have a talent for drawing! But I would work on your walk-cycles.
Frank J. Warsinski:
I wish this could have been finished for the deadline. That comes down to a lack of experience. Yes, I like the scenario (of course) and the interplay between the characters. But there is going to have to be a whole lot more technical improvement before a winning entry can be expected.
Fernando Incetta:
Promising! But sadly unfinished.
Tasha Howe:
Its a shame this isn't finished because the timing and outline of some the gestures are really pretty good, can see the ideas behind it even if it isn't completed though so well done for submitting anyway.
James Daggs:
I really like the idea for the animation, but this is clearly unfinished.
Animator: Frank J. Warsinski
Description: A "young buck" attempts to work his way into heart and home by gnawing away at an "old saw's" gruff exterior. The results are not clear-cut.
Experience: Virtually NONE (Why did I ENTER?!?)
Time taken: every spare minute for three weeks!