(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Hadas Rosen:
Funny idea, but unfinished! It falls off model far too much, and some of the cuts are working against you. Prioritize clarity!
Eric Bai:
good concept
doesnt quite match the audio
Elisabeth Janerka:
Very confusing with the constant changing of camera angles. It's okay to reuse the compositions more than once
Puja Bhawal:
I feel like it will turn out awesome once you complete it. like the concept thought. Although from frame 172 could add more work
Henry Barbee:
Doesn’t really make sense that she would have that voice, unless she’s transgender I guess.
Animator: Aspen Adgerson
Description: when you forgot to study for that test in calculus.
Experience: 1 year
Time taken: 30 hours