Final Rating: 3.76. Finished 135 out of 193 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Niki

Description: Uh Oh.. Someone left the window open...

Experience: Student (1/2 years)

Time taken: Under 1 week!


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Batuhan Ürkmez:

Ashley Ulbrich:

I really love the personality of the squirrel! Using the ears and the slow transfer of weight as he turns adds a lot to this piece. I'd make sure to animate the dialogue of the man because this is a dialogue competition, but I think this looks great otherwise!

Joshua Barcenas:

I like how expressive you made the hand movements and small details in the squirrel stand out! I think if you were to add more animation to the spine and shoulders, it would really add that extra layer of expression that your animation needs to go from good to great. Good job!