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You broke through the window?!

by Jose

Final Rating: 5.04. Finished 74 out of 193 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jose

Description: A guy breaks into the apartment. Who's going to fix the window?

Note: The "Norman Rig for Blender" link doesn't work for me, so I exported the mesh from Maya and created a Rigify rig in Blender.

Experience: Entry Level

Time taken: 2 - 3 weeks, ~ 3 hours per day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Joshua Barcenas:

This looks really great! I like that you had such dynamic framing while never breaking the 180 rule. I also really liked the pacing of different motions, such as reaching into the fridge or the character acting showing thought before reacting to the window. I wish we could see more of the actual lipsyncing, but otherwise you did an amazing job!