Final Rating: 5.49. Finished 52 out of 193 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Crissie and Jess Z

Description: There's something not quite right about this Easter bunny! While trying to hide his eggs, a greasy temptation comes barging in threatening to call the police. That just won't do! Better hide the evidence...

Experience: 132 months

Time taken: 1 day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)





Richard Adams:

Nice to see you branching out beyond just chicken nuggets. As usual, wildly creative, imaginative setting. Animation is never great, but the environments and ideas you come up with are always top notch. That suit, and the rabbit ears, LOL. Love those!

Oh, that's right! It's Easter, isn't it? I forgot! Perfect!

Joseph Johto:

No matter what, this is my absolute favorite! Can totally see an old childrens food commercial animated exactly like this! Thank you for adding that extra bit of animation.

jay patel:

Love it, something different.