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What have you done ?

by Yannick

Final Rating: 4.62. Finished 80 out of 197 entries.

19 views including the voting period.


Animator: Yannick

Description: 4 days of work... May was a quite busy month ^_^

Experience: Graduated in 2008

Time taken: 4 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Zacary Hutchinson:

When he went for the hat, there was a jump in the animation. Otherwise pretty good.


Camera movements and angles hide the most of what could be interesting. It's too bad, the rest seems good enough (although a bit stiff).

Jacob Scamell:

Why does it take him two steps to get to his hat? He should lean toward and/or take a small step forward, theres no need for two ups and downs for such a small movement.

Rob Cavallo:

Are these rigs allowed?