Final Rating: 3.79. Finished 127 out of 197 entries.

23 views including the voting period.


Animator: Giovanni Rotta

Description: A simple Tango

Experience: 2 Years

Time taken: 6 Days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


I think the still bodies and moving heads works really well in the first few frames but when the guy moves his head it is a but more exaggerated and he maybe needs a little movement in his shoulders/body? nice visual look :)

Michael D. Smith:

too much head bobbing.

Dang Duy Quang:

Is that noise from Cycles? lol

Jesse J. Jones:

The only thing animated here is the heads and lipsync, which isn't that great.

James Ham:

The spins looked great!

Erica Donladson:

i like the concept of this. i love how she just appears to be his little play thing, but at the same time, it seems like maybe his head is moving a little too much. and if she's supposedly the victim, she should probably seem a little more nervous