Final Rating: 5.34. Finished 51 out of 197 entries.

30 views including the voting period.


Animator: James Ham

Description: Marilyn believes she can get away with a candy bar during a workout.

Experience: Recent Graduate

Time taken: 3 Weeks in spare time


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Danny Kneip:

Aaahh.. the dreaded Fat Bar!! I hate those things!! :D A clever idea and nicely animated overall. His body gesture at 310 - 324 seems very unnatural but the lip sync is good overall.

Jesse J. Jones:

Good acting, I enjoyed it! The composition at the end feels unbalanced though, and their heads almost get cut off. I like your lines of action, and your posing feels natural. Great job! :)

Andy Fallon:

loved this idea

Avinash Kharat:

she is not behaving like a girl.but nice one