(Commenting only available during the rating period)
ouch you broke her hands f83
philipp seis:
the part around frame 59 is cool.
Michael D. Smith:
Too much like puppets.
Jesse J. Jones:
Arms move on their own in weird ways (they're flipped upside down and twisted at fr. 107) while the body stays perfectly still. Lipsync is poppy and distracting... Try animating the basics before moving on to dialogue scenes.
Cuck Man:
Hand movements were pretty off and disturbing. Just improve on the body language.
Samuel Alvarado:
those hands! O.O in the beginning need some fixing
Sergio Barragan L:
great render, bad animation!
kishan Rathod:
i think rendering is good !! Ohh but this is animation platform Need to ass work out
Ian Abel Nathaniel:
Need to work on your lip sync.
Monika G:
You really need to watch the wrists. They feel very ik. make sure the elbow moves with them
Animator: James Seccombe
Description: An investigator pay-off.
Rig Credit: Flex Rig created by CG cookie Inc: Utilised under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported licence
Experience: Animation Student, 1st animation of this type.
Time taken: 6 days plus 13hrs render (original render 720p)