Final Rating: 3.78. Finished 80 out of 205 entries.

497 views including the voting period.


Animator: Nikolas Diamant

Description: OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WORLD STAR!!!!!!!

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 1 full day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Joshua Farmer:


Kendra Kaye Coffey:

I felt some of the major action needed some more squash and stretch. maybe if it had more frames it would have had more illusion of motion.

Bradley Adams:

The jump is held a bit too long for my liking, The character that jumps out of the bin has some great lip sync, and nice body movements. The little boy's lip sync could have been improved but overall a good animation. 7/11

Timothy Muller:

Hello there! My recommendation to improve your work would be to enhance the amount of anticipation and overlap in your characters. The teacher for example has a tiny anticipation when leaving the trash can, but squashing him down more before the jump would improve the movement. Then, add more overlaps to enhance the effect of weight, such as when he lands after jumping out.
On a final note, I think you can improve the ending. Experiment with different poses with the teacher rather than settling with the outstretched "W-Pose."
Overall, good work. Keep it up.

Ben Smith:

Good effort. More dramatic! Please think really hard when listening to the audio. Watch the movie that it is taken from and see how they portray it. Dramatic actions require close camera angles so you can see the emotion in the faces