Final Rating: 3.98. Finished 101 out of 185 entries.

403 views including the voting period.


Animator: Rafael Di Pietro

Description: GeorgeStevens rig from

Need to escape that canned become a baker?

Experience: a few years

Time taken: a good 3 weeks, on and off on weekends.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jason Weilee:

Poses are too exaggerated for the dialogue.

Ruben Uggla:

I think there was too much movement. Still pretty well animated.

Shiladitto Gupto:

Ok so here's the thing try to hit yhe accents or the audio pitches at first with the key poses you have or thought of, then try to add anticipation, breakdown pose(s), and cushion pose(s).. that would help you to get the job done much more easier.. and another thing while animating a shot which is this big try to break it into smaller frame ranges, for example a shot which is 350 ftames animate yhe first 50 frames and then move on to the next 50 frames.. and then so on and so forth.. breaking up your work into much smaller work helps you to concentrate more on details.. keep these suggestions in mind for next time.. until then keep animating and it was a good try..

Leonard Leon:

The movements themselves are fine, but they are all over the place. Too much movement and all gestures have the same emphasis


take it easy there, cowboy ;) a lot of overacting going on here. sometimes less is more!