Final Rating: 3.21. Finished 138 out of 185 entries.

508 views including the voting period.


Animator: Billy Mpetha

Description: Didnt get a chance to finish this one! was going to be preston from wallace and gromit talking about his experiences getting crushed to death in the can factory!

Experience: 3 years in industry doing cut out animation, 6 years personal traditional animation

Time taken: a weekend of and on


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Cristián Rivera:


Poh hui:

you didn't submit the full range of your animation?

Michaela Dawn:

Looks great, but it's not finished


Too bad you didn't get through all the whole thing, it's really nice so far! Definitely continue.

Ivan Mendoza:

Should have finished. Very nice.

Richard Adams:

What you have here is nicely animated, though incomplete (not the entire dialogue). I like how visually refined this is, clean lines, good form, polished looking artwork. Character however is copyrighted by Aardman, which is a rule violation. I would've given this a decent rating otherwise.


I would love to see this one completed... Really good try.

Aaron McGriff:

Love the style, wish you had time to do the whole clip.

Ruth Agada:

Not complete but what i see looks good.

Felipe Navarro:

I liked it, but its too bad you did not finish it.