Final Rating: 5.72. Finished 23 out of 185 entries.

521 views including the voting period.


Animator: HiNA

Description: It was hard to do and I hated the audio at first, but I loved how it turned out and I learnt a lot while doing it. There's a lot to improve in but I'm pretty happy with what I managed to do!

Experience: 1 year

Time taken: ~5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Lucky Brown:

Nice =)

Abdul Fatah Ismail:


Ruben Uggla:

At times it was a little hard to see what was going on, mostly the bread in the can, but since that would not likely have been a problem if it was coloured it's nothing to get hung up about. The video was really well animated. Really impressed by it.

Wai Han Lau:

I really like this! However, it took me a while to realise where the bread disappeared to at frame 93... maybe you could have him struggling to stuff the bread into the can first so that we're more clear on what's happening?