Final Rating: 4.89. Finished 42 out of 102 entries.

405 views including the voting period.


Animator: Laajaj Nassim

Description: A familly is playing peacefully, but the gods are playing their game to, and the devil always win...

Experience: 2.5 years (most tv show)

Time taken: Here and there after work since 15 may...not finished..


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Kathryn Ross:

story doesn't make sense

Brian Duffy:

you should have stuck with the context of the board game. it would have totally worked if you cut to one of the other players who maybe had like all their armies on earth to show how absurd the idea was. cutting away to the heaven, demon, angel, god stuff is just like "wait, huh?"

soyeon yang:


Albab Arham Adbi:

i like the after movie portion but still needs improvement

Daan Mac Gillavry:

Very choppy and looks unfinished and whats up with the hell and heaven part

Tarnisha Tull:

A bit choppy in some places

