Final Rating: 6.75. Finished 7 out of 102 entries.

36,213 views including the voting period.


Animator: Andrei Llacuna

Description: Some outer-space business...

Experience: 0 yrs professional, around 10 years as hobby.

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Petr J.:

I love this one! Only the head on frame 26 kind of jumps a bit. Maybe there could be more slowout/ease into pose 26.

Shreyas Dutta:

great sir i hope u r the winner this time


+1 for effort

Daan Mac Gillavry:


Victor Pierce:

Very well executed! Obviously a lot of effort went into this! The one thing I would suggest to make this even better would be to have the tentacle do a little squash and stretch upon impact when touching the Earth model. And then if you could make the mouth close and perhaps settle into a smile he would appear less frozen at the end. Otherwise, this is definitely one of the best I've seen!!

Erin Goddard:

Very nice framing, I like the timing of the cut with the audio