(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Michael Moralejo:
Great body and face animation! I like the black and white
This is mockup?
Not much camera work & not sure about the pointing at a chair with the black & white render.
I like the facial animation & hand gestures. Really would have liked to have seen some progress posts, from initial concept, to critique earlier in the production.
Animator: Rudy Gjurkovic
Description: First timer here and with Unreal! Everything was hand-keyed down to the Iris oscillation using Unreal Engine and MetaHuman, including post work. (Entry says small 560x316. I have the larger version (1920x1080). Please let me know.)
Experience: Been out of Animation for a long time. First big character piece.
Time taken: A little under 2 weeks. Which includes getting to know Unreal Engine...a lot of late nights. :)