(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Justin Vu:
I'm liking the emotional/though progression expressed. The internal thought moment at 230-266 ("And now...ho ho ho!") would probably look more threatening if he looked down instead of up. Facial expressions and speech articulation throughout can definitely be pushed more.
Rudy Gjurkovic:
Nice job on the lip work.
Oryxly Lim:
pretty good mouth animation, could do more with the head animation.
Michael Moralejo:
Good job on the facial expressions and lip sync
Animator: Jack Davies
Description: Technical issues- Unfinished animation version 01- facial animation development, done in free time after work, for the past 2 weeks, met a few setbacks with limited UE experience, but decided to push and test UE5 and learn as much during the process.
Experience: Uni grad of 2020 + 6 months of professional work
Time taken: 25 hours (Including unreal set up/ learning)