Final Rating: 1.91. Finished 97 out of 97 entries.

0 views including the voting period.

Animator: ronda crom

Description: bear and frog converse

Experience: like maybe none per say

Time taken: 2 hrs


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

ronda crom:

This beats my April entry of how not to do less than my best, very sorry about that....Anyways, yes I know this needs more animation to fill out the sequence of the frog speaking to the bear in the snake mouth.......... and not just repeats of the same two scenes . The black parts are my edit mistakes from an online video editor. of which i was not used to using ...
Hope you forgive me for such a less than best from me type of entry. Another rushed entry at the last moment type of reasoning. So onward and upward for that new June entry of mine...wish me lotsa luck...yay !!!!!!!! Gave myself just two stars this time. BTW....


This one is the first one I see You didn't follow the sound .

Why do this?

Nattawan Saiwan:

What are you doing?