Final Rating: 6.53. Finished 18 out of 97 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Augusto Galvao

Description: Katie give her friend a encourage talk, so he can keep his head up.

Experience: 6y as motion 2y as Tradional and Cutout

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Muzammil Jamil:


Sarah Gaygen:

Love the characters! The girl's got a nice design and rigging. I'd probably do another pass at the lip-sync. I spotted a couple "F" mouth positions that didn't belong. I know from experience Toon Boom is especially iffy on those F mouths in case you used the auto lip-sync.

Adele E:

The lipsync is a bit confusing, and I feel like there's a bit of a clash between the style of both characters and backgrounds, and the lighting of the characters to the environment. But besides that, the timing and expressions are great, and I love the look of the sprite in the first shot!