Final Rating: 4.44. Finished 61 out of 97 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: K.Harshita

Description: one friend is trying to console the other by reminding old memories.

Experience: 1 year

Time taken: 20 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Samantha Koffler:

Super sweet--I love how the couple is acting towards one another. Many little movements that bring these two to life. Great job!!


The lip sync is good, but body needs work on the timing

Shanon McNeil:

I really like all the different acting cues in this one with both characters! The way he flicks the rose away, does that little shake/shrug after she pushes his shoulder, it sells the character's age in a way, it feels like a middle to older aged gentleman whose sort of been through it and is over it. And the lady, her enthusiasm feels reel and I really like how at the end she puts the phone down as she is feeling a type of pity(?) and wants to devote him her full attention now. My critique is that sometimes my eye doesn't know where to go, maybe try staging the timing a little better where we see one main action at a time rather than both characters doing large and competing actions at the same time. Also, check some of your arcs and slow ins and slow outs, movements sometimes feel a bit robotic and could be helped by playing with those curves and timing.