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Doll´s conversation

by Olga Cauqui

Final Rating: 4.11. Finished 89 out of 135 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Olga Cauqui

Description: Too deep conversation to be playing with dolls

Experience: I´m a student

Time taken: current month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Nice attempt...but not a lot happening...and very floaty

Richard Adams:

Well, you've certainly got the Barbie influence going strong, here! LOL. Cool and unique scenario idea you came up with. Animation is..not great, rather stiff and restrained, but reasonably decent. I liked the facial expressiveness. Have you looked up "The 12 Principles of Animation" on Youtube yet?

Katie Greenwood:

Love the creativity of one character being both voices! My one suggestion would be to exaggerate the movements a bit more so it’s clear which doll has which lines. Like, if you were to play with dolls, they wouldn’t just stand and have a conversation, they would be bopping as they speak or sort of leaning towards each other. Excellent job overall!

Pierre Guerineau:

cool idea