Final Rating: 5.16. Finished 54 out of 135 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Beste Su Kılıç

Description: Little kid refuses to get out of wonderland, basicially.

Experience: animating since last year for classes.

Time taken: about three days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Monty Allen:

Very nice designs and poses/framing!! I think the animation is a bit too evenly paced however. Cutting out some inbetweens on some of the bigger movements, like when the one character brings their hands down to lean over the table might make that action more impactful and realistic. Also opening the characters mouths wider on specific sounds like the 'hahp' in 'happened'(at around frame 93), and then closing the mouths all the way at other times might help the lip sync match a little bit more. The lip sync looks like a really good start but somewhat reserved in its movements, similar to the characters motions. Overall, good work!!


Staging could be improved and the animation could be smoother...nice drawing