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wrong choice :)

by Genndy

Final Rating: 6.89. Finished 12 out of 135 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Genndy

Description: some discoveries in this world are made unexpectedly...

Experience: five years

Time taken: about four days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Nice design and feel to your animation

Carol Trezena:

The idea of this scene if very fun and inventive!
In the animation aspect, I believe you would beneficiate your scene a lot with less use of squash and stretch in the whole characters for anticipations and overshoots; it would have flowed a bit nicer to play with variations of different parts of the body to search for this result (like varying the line of action, for example). I would also recommend the use of "overlap animation" principle to enrich even more your scene!


oh! wow! this looks like a series in itself