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The choice is now yours

by Tobias Torrisi

Final Rating: 6.10. Finished 30 out of 135 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Tobias Torrisi

Description: Rough and ready, but had a great time doing it.

Experience: 2 years and a half

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Emilee Phillips:

Nice storytelling poses!


Nice attempt...staging could be improved

Amelie Olima:

this one made me laugh. i like it!

Carol Trezena:

The variation of the camera shots and the environment helped the scene to get a better storytelling based on the audio, I really like that! I believe, still talking about the storytelling aspect, you could've make the main character a bit less happy or excited in the first condition they offer so it would match better with their reaction on the "No" part in the end.
About the animation, I think you could hold the poses of the main speaker a bit more so we could get more time to read the animation and match better the calmness and sense of wisdom we hear in their voice.