Final Rating: 6.23. Finished 24 out of 238 entries.

891 views including the voting period.


Animator: Lauren Elizabeth MacColl

Description: After receiving shocking news, a man considers a devious form of revenge. However, he gets some alternate advice from an unlikely source.

Experience: 4/ 5 years. 2.1 BA Honors degree.

Time taken: 2 weeks.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

philipp seis:

like it :) A real story

Emily Spearman:

Really cute concept. I love the ending. I also really like the mouth shapes you have going on. Very nice work. Solid.

Ben LaScala:

Love it!

ibet francisco:

Nice concept.

Diane Aarts:

animation is good, also holy shit a good message too :)

Divyam Chand:

Brillaint idea.....animation is also very nice for mobile character

Richard Carrillo:

Haha niceee

Rahul Rishikesh:

Good concept

Olivier Montero:

Nice Style again, Lauren ! :)


Very nice! love the story and the motion of the characters


nice story, the ending seems quite educative, although I was probably expecting the phone device be more naughty at some point. BTW is this done by toonboom?


I saw your animatic of this shot! Nice animation and awesome drawings for lip sync technique!

Reginald Crumpler:

Love it! : ) I was going to say the tablet doing a shaking of the finger would have been a nice touch, but after seeing it again, it did not need it. Excellent piece all around! : )

Paula Genta:

Silence too long? Otherwise it's a very fluid animation, love the designs also

Edy Zet:

Why! He should be the one who deletes the photos, not you, stupid SMART phone! haha, nice work!

Yurika Nishi-Imai:

Oh! Very Creative!

Eleftherios Kokkinakis:

Your animation is really good I think. The enviroment could use a bit more work but since this contest is about chatacter animation mostly I believe you did well. The one thing I must say bothered me is that I had to pause at the phone to read what it says. You didnt give it enough time. And I suppose you changed intentionally the word nude to rude right?

Mark Laipnieks:

Interesting idea. I wish the movement between keys was smoother.

Michael Minasyan:

good , nice idea