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Austin Hambrick:
ooohhh how i wish this actually had the mouth moving. i love the movements he makes all very good.
Ben LaScala:
Good hand gestures, needs a better lip sync.
Diane Aarts:
original idea, love the missed bottle grab
Alex Sinclair:
The lack of lip-sync and colour in the background makes this feel unfinished, which is a shame since I feel that this could have been a lot more than what it is now.
E. Ault:
I like the double hand grab for the beer
Sergio Candela Ramirez:
I like when he is trying to reach the bottle..Nice movements
Drunk? I guess the morpheus could be more blushed with heavier eyes.
Jyrki Kanto:
What you've done is pretty good, but the lack of lip sync and any movement in the torso obviously leave something to be desired.
Brad Bradbury:
Morpheous has elbow controls that link to his hands.
You should change this setting to 'parent -world'. This way the elbows wont rotate with the hand rotation.
You have some weird elbow things happening in this animation. look at 55-65, 168-180.. etc
Michael Ayers Jr:
Need some lip sync on this character.
Animator: Nihal Rashinkar
Description: Unfinished - no lipsync, crude facial expressions
Experience: 6 years
Time taken: 18 hours