Final Rating: 4.35. Finished 105 out of 238 entries.

468 views including the voting period.


Animator: Cory Parks

Description: Someone needs a chill pill...

Experience: No professional experience, former student

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

philipp seis:

refreshing aesthetics

Ben LaScala:

So I get that he is upside down at the start but its not till later that I realize this. I would start him upside down. But other wise I really like this good job!

Paula Decanini:

Have him hanging upside down from the beginning. Otherwise it's confusing as to why his arms are stuck in the air. The reveal of him being captured by a monster is not that valuable.


nice drawings, but better shooting / compositing would've made it heaps better.

Richard Carrillo:

Nice idea but it need a bit more work, more frames.

Katie Wyman:

It's nice to see some traditional animation in this competition. I know your character is meant to be upside down but I still feel like his arms are too static. I think practice drawing foreshortening would help you a lot too.