(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Oliver Scott:
Nice dailogue and lipsync, but a bit static in the body. Needs a lot more action and exaggeration on the body. Have him lean forward on the main phrases.
Cory Parks:
Neat, he seems very fluid. He stiffens up at the end though and I think you can break up that pose a bit.
E. Ault:
Move your weight around! The bottom half of him is frozen after the step.
Keith Sizemore:
Make sure you never lock your hip in place
Filipe Pedrosa:
Not related to the animation, but please be careful about the audio quality. The sound has some scratching that really bothered me, which is a shame because the animation itself is nice.
Animator: Anton Blake
Description: Never take advice from Monsters!
Thanks to Mathew Moore for the awesome rig!
Experience: 6 Years
Time taken: 8 hours