Final Rating: 1.38. Finished 192 out of 192 entries.

717 views including the voting period.

Animator: Jennifer James

Description: following by your own fear

Experience: 1 month

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Kayla Brinegar:

Your animation is blurry and you didn't use the sound clip for the contest. Your animation also doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the sound clip for this competition at all.

Daniel Heitzman:

I think you sent the wrong file

Pranav Uttarkar:

What you shouldn’t be doing this !! Not ready for the competition


Mother of creppy things!

Jay Joseph Vijay:

wasnt this last month`s ??

Ramsey Pierson:

please take this seriously

Nicholas McCamish:

Wrong audio file. :)