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Amy's First Day at Office

by Aniket Mhaisalkar

Final Rating: 3.21. Finished 128 out of 137 entries.

322 views including the voting period.


Animator: Aniket Mhaisalkar

Description: Today is Amy’s first day at office. When Amy pulls the chair, one of its legs breaks. Unaware of the situation, boss again asks her to take a seat. Amy quickly spots a trash can, uses it to support the chair and sits down.

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Marnie Shick:

Doesn't make sense storewide--work on character motivation, there is already a chair there, so why would she need to find somewhere to sit?

Ian Wepprich:

Good use of the can, plus interesting style. However there seems to be action missing around some of the sounds.