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ro crown:
Have the dragon character do more slipping on the trash can and then when they fall it will make it look more natural the they fell on account of gravity from his misstep and not so much from some invisable being or something that the audicence cannot see just to make them were worried about getting the dragon on top of the wall too much to match the SFX of the trash falling is what i am concluding to....great dragon design by the way. Defenatelly want to see more from you on the upcoming compettiions please and thank you.
Ian Wepprich:
Like the fluid animation but the delay on the trash falling seems too long.
Animator: Shona Ford
Description: Agatha - bat wings - Has been waiting for her friend, Gwen - dinosaur-like dragon - to join her in sitting on the wall. Gwen, however, has a lot of trouble climbing.
Experience: nothing very professional - courses in high school and college; a few projects of my own volition
Time taken: 29 - ish days