(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Renell Test:
Love the character designs. The shoulder movement in the beginning really gives life to the creature. Your animation is smooth in the beginning but the quality dwindles down towards the end of the animation which I notice when the creature hugs the child. He also looks like he's standing rather than sitting in the end. Keep adding in between frames and cleaning up your line work. Overall, keep working on this shot and it will look amazing.
Clean up the lines and it'd be so much better.
Kalliope Draga Raptis:
I love Disney Animation! This is definatly good, but you can do better in making it less stiff.
Richard Adams:
A top 5 entry. REALLY beautifully animated! Wow.
Ruben Uggla:
Really nicely done,
made me smile
Animator: Nicole Limones
Description: A girl comes to terms with the truth about her only friend.
Experience: 5 years
Time taken: 1 week