(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Gabriel Magalhaes:
ahhahahahaha so funny! nice idea!
Love the small detail of the man shaking in fear!
Renell Test:
Very funny, but could use some hand animation to make the character feel more alive.
Marcus Carril:
Good stuff!
Rhys Davey:
Good stuff!
Lip sync could use some work.
Real - You could go a bit more narrow for the R mouth shape
You probably need to redo the lip sync after 'Whats more real than...'
Richard Adams:
Top Ten Entry. Superbly done.
Leo McMahon:
looks straight out of a cartoon
Animator: Rogier Henkelman
Description: A ghost or demon wants to help a person he loves. This love is sadly not requited.
Experience: 8 years
Time taken: A few days of work spread out over a few weeks