Final Rating: 6.18. Finished 29 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Julian Dill

Description: Cat plans to eat his owner's muffins and becomes very distraught when he learns they were burnt. No!! What could have caused this disaster?

Experience: Mostly self taught

Time taken: Three weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Adams:

Top 10 entry IMO. Really well done!

Lucas Reyes:

The animation is really smooth! Particularly the part where she grabs her head. The hand never freezes and reacts to her hair in a realistic way. The cat animation is also really great, creature animation is pretty hard to nail down. My main critique would be on your acting choices, while the motions in the upper-body are fluid the hips stay relatively stationary and have almost no rotation creating this "stuck" quality in the animation. Other than that, awesome work!

xu fei:

i like the cat