Final Rating: 3.38. Finished 245 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jose Ricardo Hernandez Luna

Description: Aplha says that she never burn food, but Piroy have other information

Experience: 3 months

Time taken: 3 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Lucas Reyes:

Really great foundation here! The cat expressions are really strong, you've got solid acting choices, and your shot framing is great. The main critique I have is an overall stiffness in the animation. That stiffness comes from things like the hips of the main character being locked in one spot. Even a small bobbing motion as the character moves can mean so much! When the cats head moves down around F108 if you bring the shoulders down with the head the motion gets alot smoother. Overall great job!

fang ze ran:

The angle feels cut a little too much