Final Rating: 2.95. Finished 270 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Leonardo Fritz

Description: A small attempt at animation, enjoy and have a good laugh

Experience: less than a year

Time taken: someting like 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Kaithlyn Villarreal:

I love the setting that is created in this scene. All the background assets create a good background to your characters. For the character walking up to the oven, I would suggest to add some bending to the legs and moving the ankles as the walk up to the oven looks more like sliding. Along with that, I think curling the hand shape around the handle would create a more believable grip. Finally, I think the character sitting down could be a bit more expressive. You could try arching his eyebrows or have his eyes widen as he hears the news.