Final Rating: 4.85. Finished 111 out of 330 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: AJ

Description: Two Cat buddies named Spat and Smitten are making muffins together. Smitten loves baking with Spat but is easily distracted and the muffins end up scorched.

Experience: 6 Years

Time taken: This animation took 4 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Sofia Delgado:

Respect the stop motion attempt, don't overcomplicate the camera.

ronda crom:

cute, but try putting tape under the char's feet and light pen or pencil marks on where the toes go to keep the char's from wobbling as you pick them up to manipulte them .......try tiny magnets under the feet with metal floor to keep from even picking them up in the first place, if ya wanna.......the back of a metal computer pc case would can move it as the char's move around if need be.....and you cou just show from the perhaps knees and up to show walking cycles the backgrounds, and the lighting is pro for the most part....overall great job and hope to see more from you !!!....gave 7 stars.

Richard Adams:

Animation is extremely jittery, but I loved the idea you chose, and that you used stop-motion animation. Great emotionality, tons of appeal. It's very rough, but this one's really got something special about it...

fang ze ran:
