(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Very interesting artistic choices! Nice animations. The characters are funny and amusing.
Ira Zagrivaya:
The humor, the art, and the execution are all on point. Great job!
Richard Clark:
Too ambitious... I would have focused on the audio clip section only instead of adding so much at the end. It would have given you more time to polish the essential section which needs it. Did you shoot reference for this? The characters need a polish pass to show more weight to them by changing the volume a bit and overlapping certain things (of the body) to offset them from one another. Also, the acting could be better, especially with the dialogue at "Oh, give it the old college try... Don't touch me!" area. Did you shoot reference for that part? My guess is you didn't or didn't really reference it.
Caroline Grike:
Your characters have great personality and secondary actions to help support them. I especially love the attention to detail put into their facials. I also love how each shot is really well composed and thought out. Literally the only thing I noticed was in frames 244 - 254 the officer on the lefts leg seems to float but that was it! Amazing work!
David S. Rodriguez:
I love it, but I am unsure if adding the shootout after the dialogue is wise. Well, at least it is a superb animation with lots of energy and an unexpected payoff.
Animator: Stephen K
Description: Rookie Cops infiltrate a classic American Diner.
Experience: 9 years
Time taken: 6 days