Final Rating: 3.47. Finished 142 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Paul Boogaards

Description: A new employee is introduced.

Experience: 5 years of school

Time taken: a little bit every day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Looks floaty and unfinished throughout. The right hand holding the (ipad?) is IKish. It doesn't look like it's part of the motion of the character walking. His left arm also hyper extends at the end. The other character's hands together looks strange. Doesn't feel natural. Did you shoot reference of yourself going through the motions?

Chrystina Woehler:

I think the base of this is great. Adding more facial movements, especially around the eyes, brows, and cheeks, would make the characters feel even more alive. The walking speed is spot-on and sells itself well. Overall, the scene looks solid. But a few more fine detail movements would really bring it to life!

David S. Rodriguez:

Definitely too early to touch him on the shoulder at Frame 164 and the movements could be eased out.