(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Richard Clark:
Why is the character with the hat walking alone in the first shot when he has someone with him in the second? And if it's because the other one isn't moving, it's still confusing because when you establish both characters in shot 2, they look to be about shoulder to shoulder at the start of it. In shot 3, the character catching up; his spine is in a strange position. I would simplify his line of action to be more forward with his head, dragging the body behind. Get rid of the "C" curve in his spine. The guy with the hat; his head grows at the end. Try to keep consistent with the characters that you've establish. Also, when they are walking, try to add some weight to the walks.
David S. Rodriguez:
The animation looks too hatch cut for my taste, plus some of the movements like the walk cycle are a bit wonky. Still, I like where this is going.
Animator: Janice
Description: This was an assignment for a class I'm currently taking.
Experience: I've been in an animation program for 2 years.
Time taken: About a month.