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Don Quijote´s Dont Touch Me!

by Alvaro Armienta Hecht

Final Rating: 5.23. Finished 64 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Alvaro Armienta Hecht

Description: Don Quijotes Tweaking

Experience: 1 year, begginer

Time taken: one month, a lot of class sessions


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Veronica Yap:

I love the horse snuff!

Richard Clark:

Were you planning on animating the horse and donkey? Seems you ran out of time with this. The spit and the snorting of the horse is a nice added touch! When "Don Quixote" says "touch" the swipe animation you have is too far up. It should begin where his arm started which was lower. Overall, the posing is good...just need more time to flesh it out.

David S. Rodriguez:

The animation is rough around the edges, but that helps establish the tone and mood of the scene. The movements are decent but could be pushed more to have a stronger impact, but everything is overall respectable.